Forza 5 sees merit in DVR function!!

Forza 5 Developer: DVR Xbox One is a form of user-generated content

The Xbox One features a DVR function, which allows you to record live gameplay. Rhett Mathis, lead gameplay designer of Forza Motorsport 5, is very excited about this opportunity. According to him, the DVR feature indicates the start of a new form of user-generated content on consoles.

According to Mathis, players thanks to the DVR feature capturing images that have never been made before:

That is a form of UGC, Because I have tremendous creativity I can put into it and it can be captured with a capture card. Now with DVR, that becomes true UGC, because i can use the system from Fable, I can use the system from Grand Theft Auto to create moments That were never planned by anybody, and then share them.

Mathis believes that Drivatar from Forza 5 this also will play a major role. Although you Drivatar race based on your playing style, but also completely new, DVR-worthy maneuvers! :

That's the same when we see Drivatar. I'm going to train, my Drivatar is going to watch me, and do thingsthat we never intended. We're going to be bootable to react, it's going to do cool stuff, and you can Capturethatimage on DVR. It's going to have the liveries, the paint schemes, the cars that I like. We're going to get tremendous emergent gameplay that's going to come out of this. The strength of a team that's worked for ten years in UGC as such is That we do not actually predict what they're going to do. We're going to just open it up knowing its going to surprise us. The system is living and breathing and organic and its going to do things we did not expect. And what we expect is really exciting to us, but what we do not expect is where the real magic is going to happen.

You expect your DVR feature of Xbox One will be taking in use much? Let us know in the comments!

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