Pre order quick cose there olmost out!!

Anyone ever place a pre-order. Sometimes for a film, sometimes for a game and sometimes for a book. the pre-order a console is however also very popular. With the releases of the One Xbox and PlayStation 4 in prospect, the pre-orders rise higher every day. The statistics of today, however, the day that the PlayStation 4 is the most popular. Would you therefore have a copy when it suits the console, please be assured quick.

GameStop, the orders for the standard version should stop, because this simply go causing supply problems arise too hard. Bundles are still available. However, do you want such a bundle, then you only one per household. So you had the plan to work with a different family member twice a PlayStation 4 within the tube to retrieve, you can write it on your tanned belly.

Not only GameStop struggling with supply problems, also suffers from Amazon. The 'PlayStation 4 Launch Edition "is sold out. Only bundles are still available.

To the extent that it was not yet penetrated. Do you want a PlayStation 4 in November right next to the television in them, then quickly place a pre-order.

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