What is this?! Was the first thing I cried when I called to Rockstar Netherlands. Unfortunately it was the voice-mail that  was on the line. The phone will be ringing off the hook there. What exactly it is we don't know jet. Grand Theft Auto Online is an MMO?Or is it just the multiplayer of GTA V? What is it?
grand theft auto online - gta online
More than the poster above is not there yet. But it's close. August 15 it is going to be revealed and there are already pushing the press. That is secretly saying that it is not something totally new, otherwise they would already have done an official announcement first. Forgive me bud, that too is just a guess on my part. We just do not know. If it is an MMO  then I hope only one thing ,and that is that there is an online hot coffee mod for convenience. And if it is coming for the PC too? MMOs after all belong on the PC. And ... and ... and it's no use. The phone is still waiting stretched on a call back, but I'm guessing it is nothing but a wait game. Grand Theft Auto Online. It is coming. Be ready.

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