Hey guys this my Fifa 14 blog , for the freakz that can't wait for this new game .
i also do some game king tips so if u are stuck u can ask me for some
tips for Fifa 13 .u can go to those blogs with hints on the side of this
![]() |
http://www.ea.com/soccer/fifa14 |
Xbox one and PS4 preorder record !!
If there was any doubt about the commercial prospects of Sony and Microsoft's new consoles, Amazon has shattered it. The e-commerce giant announced Friday that pre-orders for the two next-generation video game consoles broke previous records held both for consoles orders made during the week of the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) and Black Friday, (the day after Thanksgiving, when the holiday shopping season officially begins).Console pre-orders made during the week of E3 2013 jumped 4,000 percent compared to E3 2012, Amazon said in a press statement. Day-one pre-orders for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, meanwhile, were "nearly two times that of all video game sales on Black Friday last year."
"At the peak of demand last week" during E3, the company continued in its statement, “Amazon customers were pre-ordering more than 2,500 Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles per minute." The company didn't say how long that "peak" period lasted, however.
These are big and important-sounding numbers, no doubt. But what do they mean, exactly? Console orders increasing 4,000-times over last is probably due to the fact that last year, there weren't any new (or at least next-generation) video game consoles on the market, yet save the Wii U. And even Nintendo's own CEO has now admitted that the company's new home entertainment console was marketed poorly and sold poorly as a result.
The same goes for Black Friday sales. Even during that annual commercial feeding frenzy, the Wii U suffered from supply shortages that hampered the console's sales compared to rival products like Sony and Microsoft's current-generation Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
Supply shortages are almost always a problem for video game consoles during launch periods, so a better question to ask might be: are Sony, Microsoft, and Amazon all better prepared to meet consumer demand than they were the last time around? Pre-orders may have jumped astronomically compared to last year, but what about the pre-orders made back in 2005 and 2006, when the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 were respectively launched?
But Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter told NBC News in an email Friday that "It’s idiotic to try to compare preorders now" to this time in 2005 or 2006 since "we’re still six months out" from the actual launch of the new products.
"The numbers are probably 1000 ordered 8 years ago and 40,000 ordered now," he wrote.
Pachter added that "there is no data to form a real opinion" about the status of console pre-orders.
"Microsoft and Sony will sell around 6 million consoles globally this year, and Amazon might have 10 percent share, so 600,000 through year-end," Pachter said. "There is no way they will get more than 20 percent of those, so probably 100,000 consoles at launch.
Boys an other update !! And ill start from now on with the post date cose i noticed it wasnt there things happen , Thanks for reading mutch love and by the way its only a small 99 days to fifa 14 !
FIFA 14 next-gen will introduce Elite Technique on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
This all-new feature delivers a host of new skills and behaviors that show us the artistry and sheer athleticism of elite players. Player
movement in FIFA 14 is more fluid and smart, delivering the most realistic football game experience yet.
Previously, players were limited to a few generic passing animations for multiple situations, but through the raw power and memory of next gen consoles Elite Technique unlocks hundreds of new skills. For example, players will now be able to trap in 180 degrees, replacing the previous touch and turn with one fluid motion.
Previously, players were limited to a few generic passing animations for multiple situations, but through the raw power and memory of next gen consoles Elite Technique unlocks hundreds of new skills. For example, players will now be able to trap in 180 degrees, replacing the previous touch and turn with one fluid motion.
Players will now be able to recognize the situation on the pitch and
adapt accordingly. Players will be aware when taking a touch will break
momentum, and instead will dummy or run over the ball to maintain the
fluidity of their attack. New behaviors include trapping the ball in
stride at pace and instinctive off-balance shots. Players will be able
to use their body and all parts of the foot, allowing them to cut open
the defense with an opportunistic overhead, slice or lob pass. The right
trigger will also allow players to trap using their chest, potentially
giving them the inch of space needed to reel off a curling lace shot.
Elite Technique gives players multiple ways to receive the ball, opens up more attacking options and creates exciting scoring opportunities. Technically proficient players will be able to receive the ball, shield it from a defender and continue an attack in such a manner that only the best defenders will be able to slow them down.
Elite Technique gives players multiple ways to receive the ball, opens up more attacking options and creates exciting scoring opportunities. Technically proficient players will be able to receive the ball, shield it from a defender and continue an attack in such a manner that only the best defenders will be able to slow them down.
19-06-13 posted
Hey Guys here is some new info bout oure game gents!!
All the talk of E3 was of course about next-gen FIFA 14 but rather
under the radar came early details of the mobile versions of FIFA 14 due
to hit iOS and Android devices this year. A revamped gesture based
control scheme is at the heart of the changes as well as some impressive
The details came from IGN but we've boiled down the article in to these handy bullet points.
- FIFA 14 mobile has all new contextual touch controls.
- Dragging across a player will now draw a line they will follow on a run.
- To pass, you tap the screen where you want the ball to go.
- A new swipe gesture has been added to control shooting.
- The speed and angle of your swipes lets you control the spin, curve, and speed of your shots.
- Over 30 real world leagues, 300 teams and 16,000 players are included.
- The old button based controls will still be available from the Options menu.
The chaps at IGN certainly enjoyed their pre-alpha time with the game and rather interestingly compared it to an RTS.
So, it seems like fans of FIFA on the move have much to look forward
to this year as EA try to reinvent their mobile offering too. If you're a
big fan of the iOS and Android versions of FIFA, what are you thoughts
on these changes?
In a week where gaming reached the height of popularity during the
frenzied E3 Expo, one of our generation’s most enduring titles was given
more time under the spotlight with EA Sports lifting the lid once again
on one of this year’s most anticipated console games.
FIFA 14, just the latest iteration in the long-running football
franchise, was subjected to an official gameplay video in which some of
the new features from the title were showcased last week, building up
even more excitement within its loyal fanbase…
this the E3 easports presentation of the game with Drake!!
Hey guys the e3 was recently so we got an bunchload of new info ! first of what i am intressted in the gameplay here is an clip with al the info you need to get satisfied and motivated to buy it so we can meat online soon !!
E3 Trailer Fifa 14 easports
Official gameplay trailer Fifa 14
News About Fifa 14 all ins & outs
New screenshots and info about FIFA 14!
FIFA 14 Trailer !!
XBOX one Is Commin !!!!!!
Here are pictures of the first trailer of fifa 14, what to be. really a stunner promised again
I expect that you will also enjoy this game co-kings, because this game will be played by many and dominated by the kingz.
are you one of them, check out this blog for more wisdom to come.
I expect that you will also enjoy this game co-kings, because this game will be played by many and dominated by the kingz.
are you one of them, check out this blog for more wisdom to come.
ea sports ignite
This is about the engine that ignite hase come up with.
It's got an human intelligence that means that your players now react more human than ever, as in duels where first you could not do as desired, you move now!
EA Sports' next-gen engine is called Ignite. It's not magic but the
extra grunt of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One means Ignite can do new
Those new things manifest in crowds no longer looking like
cardboard cut-outs that are hilariously rubbish under close inspection.
the first time ever," EA boasted following the announcement of Xbox
One, "3D crowds and dynamic sidelines will impact the experience, and
rich sports atmospheres will change organically based on the progress of
a match.
"Player actions will change depending on the situation,
and crowds will have an expectation of how a game is likely to play out,
and react accordingly."
Does that mean they'll boo if you don't live up to expectations? Maybe you can kung fu kick them if they say something mean.
Those new things manifest in crowds no longer looking like cardboard cut-outs that are hilariously rubbish under close inspection.
"For the first time ever," EA boasted following the announcement of Xbox One, "3D crowds and dynamic sidelines will impact the experience, and rich sports atmospheres will change organically based on the progress of a match.
"Player actions will change depending on the situation, and crowds will have an expectation of how a game is likely to play out, and react accordingly."
Does that mean they'll boo if you don't live up to expectations? Maybe you can kung fu kick them if they say something mean.
Players will also react to the story of the match itself.
"In FIFA 14, for example, [an AI] player's sense of urgency increases as the match draws on and a goal is needed, rushing to take a free kick, corner or goal-kick if time is running down," said EA.
Animation depth and detail will improve ten-fold with Ignite, and there are new locomotion systems tied into this that make players turn and change speeds and generally move more believably.
"And on Xbox Live," added EA, there will be "a daily stream of new content that impacts the game as you play".
The Ignite-powered PS4 and Xbox One versions of FIFA 14, Madden NFL 25, NBA Live 14 and UFC will launch within the next 12 months, and after the PS3 and 360 and current-gen versions appear.
So and now don't worry peepz ill be king of proof!!
So there's more bud i want top see some goals from you guys how big of a king are u !
Leave an comment and ill wil take a look ad youre goal if u pud your url from the upload 2 youtube and if it good enough i post u on this blog .!!
So now a peace about the new XBOX ONE !!
I personally am looking forward to this moment of the release and the power behind the console.
so lets take an look to the features of this system that going to make it a succes again !!
first of all the opportunities
The Xbox One is a state-of-the-art games console, a TV with the latest generation, a film system and much more. You no longer have to change to play or watch. Movies games the input on your TV The Xbox One switch you in an instant between TV, movies, music and games. And all with your voice.
as you can see here its going to be easy to choose what u want to see ore do in the menu just like where used to on the 360 bud now its going to be an mutch more expanded thing like now you got an xbox an hd recorder and a entertainment system bud with the xbox one its an all in one combo kit that makes it very handy to do what u want and what the rest of the famely wants .
first youre dad kicks youre ass for playing to mutch now he cant deny how great it is to play games ore watch shows ore movie's with the sytem .
How it works ? ?
when u enter the room and say XBOX On then it starts up automaticly and welkomes you and puts up the start screen and fils it up with what u like the best like on this picture.
And you have instant access to all programs and movies you want to see as you can see here !
What is also a great thing i think and what defenetly going to be proofed in the futere is that u can Skype on the sytem , so you have youre kinect sytem witch provides view and sound connection with each .
so you can call al youre mates on the xbox that is crazy man thats next gen .
This is also an great feutere from the ONE sytem that Xbox brings your favorite sports together and gives you access to groundbreaking features that give you full control. Live matches, highlights and replays, all in crisp HD. Select your favorite leagues, teams and players, and follow them with a personal channel guide. You can even deeper into the programs, selections and statistics diving during dialing. Xbox One is the new starting point for sport. This means no extra channels to pay for its one sytem with every thing on there.
A new generation of apps on your TV.
Your favorite apps are perfectly in place on the Xbox One. Find an instant the desired app. Pin favorites onto your home screen. Best of all is that you can seamlessly switch between apps, or they can fix to do two things. Simultaneously side by side. And also comes in very handy is the connection between the sytem's you allreddy got so you can connect everything together like youre phone ore ipad name it and it wil be connected .
so stay connected !!
Your favorite apps are perfectly in place on the Xbox One. Find an instant the desired app. Pin favorites onto your home screen. Best of all is that you can seamlessly switch between apps, or they can fix to do two things. Simultaneously side by side. And also comes in very handy is the connection between the sytem's you allreddy got so you can connect everything together like youre phone ore ipad name it and it wil be connected .
so stay connected !!
A new way to explore the web.
Explore the Web on your TV using Internet Explorer for Xbox One. Use your voice to easily browse. To your favorite sites Use Bing to find the best. Web content Or use Xbox SmartGlass on your phone or tablet to navigate with your fingertips. Within the interface
Explore the Web on your TV using Internet Explorer for Xbox One. Use your voice to easily browse. To your favorite sites Use Bing to find the best. Web content Or use Xbox SmartGlass on your phone or tablet to navigate with your fingertips. Within the interface
Multitasking with Snap.
Why you should create two favorite activities when you can perform them? Once a choice On the Xbox One can switch in an instant between a TV series, a movie and a game. You can also lock to do two things. Simultaneously side by side Music and games. Skype and live games. Divide the screen, not your time!!
And now the inside of the Xbox one the looks and the preformance.
8 cores
The x86 processor with 8 cores you can seamlessly switch between your favorite games and entertainment apps.
Why you should create two favorite activities when you can perform them? Once a choice On the Xbox One can switch in an instant between a TV series, a movie and a game. You can also lock to do two things. Simultaneously side by side Music and games. Skype and live games. Divide the screen, not your time!!
And now the inside of the Xbox one the looks and the preformance.
8 cores
The x86 processor with 8 cores you can seamlessly switch between your favorite games and entertainment apps.
HDMI pass-through
what i think is genial because now youre srugling with youre remote control to switch al the time what now promise to be very smooth and sliky !!
Connect your set-top box for cable / satellite to the Xbox One and make yourself at home . With HDMI pass-through you can watch TV through the Xbox, so switching between inputs feels almost prehistoric.
With 8GB of RAM and a hard disk of 500 GB available you more than enough memory for your games, demos, movies, apps, music and more.
Watch movies and play games in stunning HD from the Blu-ray player!!
this is so fine of xbox to put one in this sytem it certainly going to improve the games movie,s quality .
Now the Ps4 !! Thats going to throw high eye's where i know that xbox is the console for me simply because of the controller laying better in my hand, wil not say that i din't have a ps3 so i know that the graphics are better and the game play is somthing that is personal issue. bud what i think isnt important its what you prefer how u experiance youre way of Fifa 14 to play it on the way u like the consoles are just the devices to play on, so lets get started .
some of the most important things that puts there picture on the market .
PlayStation 4
the best place to play
The PlayStation 4 system is the best place to play thanks to dynamic, connected gaming, high performance graphics, high speed, advanced personalization, well-integrated social features and innovative features for a second screen. When PS4 system focusing on the gamer, which is evidenced by the combination of unmatched content, immersive gaming experiences, all your favorite digital entertainment apps and exclusive PlayStation games. so you see just like the xbox one alll off youre sytems are going to be connected the next gen unique selling point thats is super nice i think.
Shared gaming experiences
Go countless personal challenges with your community and share all your epic victories with just a press of a button. Simply press the SHARE button on your controller, watch the final minutes of gameplay, give it a tag, and go back to the game. The video is uploaded while you play. Because you can broadcast the gameplay with the PS4 system in real time to all your friends watch.
Go countless personal challenges with your community and share all your epic victories with just a press of a button. Simply press the SHARE button on your controller, watch the final minutes of gameplay, give it a tag, and go back to the game. The video is uploaded while you play. Because you can broadcast the gameplay with the PS4 system in real time to all your friends watch.
The DUALSHOCK 4 not only provides precise joysticks and integrated motion sensors, but also touch control
Hear every detail
Integrated mono speaker and headphone jack and headset
Make sure you clearly hear the details. Enjoy true sound via the controller and chat with friends online via a headset.
Feel the action
improved vibration
You can not only hear everything in more detail and see you're feeling better thanks to the intense vibration motors.
accurate design
new form
The new design means that you are more comfortable way to control games and improved analog joysticks and buttons lead to greater precision.
Integrated mono speaker and headphone jack and headset
Make sure you clearly hear the details. Enjoy true sound via the controller and chat with friends online via a headset.
Feel the action
improved vibration
You can not only hear everything in more detail and see you're feeling better thanks to the intense vibration motors.
accurate design
new form
The new design means that you are more comfortable way to control games and improved analog joysticks and buttons lead to greater precision.
new ideas
Send, make a gesture or sign with the touchpad. The touchpad on the front of the controller gives you freedom while playing. I dont realy know how its going to look in youre hand if its an full coller touch pad ore red led light with some text information i'm very curious and looking forward .
Send, make a gesture or sign with the touchpad. The touchpad on the front of the controller gives you freedom while playing. I dont realy know how its going to look in youre hand if its an full coller touch pad ore red led light with some text information i'm very curious and looking forward .
personalized play
The light beam
The three colored LEDs can easily identify players and you'll soon see useful game information. For example you can tell if a person has sustained serious injuries.
The light beam
The three colored LEDs can easily identify players and you'll soon see useful game information. For example you can tell if a person has sustained serious injuries.
PlayStation Camera
Play, enjoy and share all your epic games with the PlayStation ® Camera. Multiplayer is improved using crystal clear audio and the ability to share via picture-in-picture videos. Keep in a modern, personal way connected with your friends, whether you're in the same room or on the other side of the world is.
Personalized, managed content
The PS4 system learns your preferences. It remembers what you like and do not like, so in your favorite genre or your favorite developers can discover content whats also an very important feature on the XBOX ONE , you can start right away. Players can also view game-related information shared by friends of friends gameplay view and find information on featured content such as games, TV series and movies.
Extend your playing time with the ability to play games while they are still downloading. If you buy a game which PlayGo enabled, download the PS4 system the essential parts of the game so you can play while the rest is downloaded in the background. it is very nice i think cose we all know how boring it is to wait while you are downloading to play a game so no time lost no more!!
Extend your playing time with the ability to play games while they are still downloading. If you buy a game which PlayGo enabled, download the PS4 system the essential parts of the game so you can play while the rest is downloaded in the background. it is very nice i think cose we all know how boring it is to wait while you are downloading to play a game so no time lost no more!!
Here i say genius this looks a bid like the wii u like this better cose the sytem promise to be mutch more developed than wii u .With Remote Play for the PS4 system is the PlayStation Vita system optimally and is the ultimate companion device. With the PS Vita system to gamers without problems all PS4 games on a beautiful 5-inch screen, via Wi-Fiaccess in a LAN.
The power to perform
PlayStation 4 is developed by the most innovative minds in the game industry, so developers their imagination run free and able to previously impossible groundbreaking experiences to life can arouse.
Super-fast processors, incredible graphics and unparalleled system memory. What that means for the games you play? They are bigger, faster and more innovative. And there are many more than you ever thought possible.
Optical disc drive (read only)
BD 6 x CAV
AV output
Digital output (optical)
Custom processor with 1 chip
CPU: low power x86-64 AMD "Jaguar", 8 cores
GPU: 1.84 TFLOPS, AMD RadeonTM with GCN architecture (Graphics Core Next)
hard Drive
I / O
High-speed USB (USB 3.0), AUX
February 20, 2013
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T)
IEEE 802.11 b / g / n
Bluetooth ® 2.1 (EDR)
BD 6 x CAV
AV output
Digital output (optical)
Custom processor with 1 chip
CPU: low power x86-64 AMD "Jaguar", 8 cores
GPU: 1.84 TFLOPS, AMD RadeonTM with GCN architecture (Graphics Core Next)
hard Drive
I / O
High-speed USB (USB 3.0), AUX
February 20, 2013
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T)
IEEE 802.11 b / g / n
Bluetooth ® 2.1 (EDR)
This was the Ps4 so now you decide ore buy both witch to play ore beloved Fifa 14 .
so any questions!? feel free to ask ill find an answer 4 sho and subcribe guys THX infront pzzzz .
so any questions!? feel free to ask ill find an answer 4 sho and subcribe guys THX infront pzzzz .
3 reacties:
leuk toch
Nice blog Lars! Great footage and realistic comments. Keep up the good work and keep it updated!
I wil fellow game king ! (y)
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