Xbox one is looking for a lower launch price !!!

Microsoft would is looking  to see if they can give the Xbox One a lower launch price!  On this way they hoping to emulate the creator of the Next-Gen console PlayStation 4 of competitor Sony better so they have an advantage over them s when the launch is there.    From the analyst firm Baird comes the news that Microsoft is fully researching with its channel partners to see how they can overcome the price difference with the...

XBOX ONE are selling 3 times as mutch then PS4!!

This year there would be three times as much Xbox One consoles shipped over the PlayStation 4's. This enables analyst Colin Sebastian on the basis of a market forecast. Furthermore, Microsoft's Xbox One have recovered from the previous DRM debacle.The change of course Microsoft had made in connection with the Xbox One is already bearing is positive effects. More and more consumers seem to have left behind the polemics around the DRM and Digital Sharing...

First touch system of Fifa14 Promises to be good!!

 A new feature in FIFA 13 was the 'First Touch Control System. This system ensured that the ball rolls faster during a rainstorm, but also that all players equally competent in the field of skill moves and ball control. This system brought a tactical aspect with it, which sometimes brought joy and sometimes frustration. This system also makes its appearance in FIFA 14 and wil be back, but adjusted.The system remains in the games because EA...