The improvements of the xbox controller ! and more Xbox One news!!

In this video major nelson is telling us all about the new xbox controller and is discussing it with the general manager Zufi Alam. like the new features and changes that are made on it, and the design of course. the improvements and lots more in the link below. Check it here !! The Xbox One also works if you do not have the Kinect sensor but without the Kinect functionality!The latter speaks for itself, not the first. Microsoft have previously...


What is this?! Was the first thing I cried when I called to Rockstar Netherlands. Unfortunately it was the voice-mail that  was on the line. The phone will be ringing off the hook there. What exactly it is we don't know jet. Grand Theft Auto Online is an MMO?Or is it just the multiplayer of GTA V? What is it?More than the poster above is not there yet. But it's close. August 15 it is going to be revealed and there are already pushing the press....