Steelbooks Assassins creed Black flag!

  Limited Edition's, who does not like em? Perhaps your wallet, but that's a different story. Many games were provided with a limited edition, often with a figurine. The latter is often the reason for such an edition to purchase. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag also receive a limited edition.Rub as good in your eyes. Yes, there is a figurine and yes, it costs $ 130. The limited edition is only confirmed for North America, but will also come...

Game developers are most excited about PlayStation 4 !

The GDC Europe has conducted a survey among developers on all platforms that already exist or are yet to come. If we then look at the next-gen consoles then the PlayStation 4 most popular with developers.However, most interest from European developers is not major game platforms. This is namely smartphones, tablets and browser games. Tablets win with 61%, followed by smartphones with 53% and browser games come shortly thereafter.When we look at...

Microsoft explains how Kinect works with Killer Instinct!!

There has been much around the Kinect 2.0, but is this really justified? Finally, we have the updated version of the original Kinect still does not work given to it and we may have only the expectation of a 1.0 Kinect that simply records the movements more accurate. Microsoft therefore explains how Kinect 2.0 with the game Killer Instinct will work. It is clear in any case that Kinect Kinect 1.0 2.0 not only has a new look. The Kinect 2.0 has some...

Pes 14 aint freaking commin to the next gen consoles !!

Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 will not appear on the Xbox or PlayStation One 4. This Konami has announced. The company is in a sense afraid that sales numbers will in reduced and therefore the focus remains another year on the current generation of consoles.Manorito Hosoda let through CVG do not know to be the user base at the beginning of the new generation. Certainly Konami is according to him, afraid that the user numbers will come slowly and this...