DualShock 4 from L1/L2 to LB/LT !??

The DualShock 4 has some changes  compared with the DualShock 3. Lightbar, bigger share button and the triggers are slightly reworked. It appears, however, that there is another change occurred.The trigger buttons called since the early days of the PlayStation R2 and L2, but with the advent of the PlayStation 4 Sony seem to want to change that. On some screenshots of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag you can see that if you wants to switch between...

Call of Duty : Ghost Multiplayer reveale date !!

To date, since the announcement of Call of Duty:Ghost we have seen some images of the single player, but as usual abd out of good habit will Activision just before the Gamescom reveal the multiplayer and explaine it to. This will be upcoming August 14, says Infinity Ward a while ago on Facebook.What time the unveiling will take place is not yet known, but we will certainly get to hear it on short term. Now it is known that the multiplayer will be...

Smart Match Finds the Perfect Players for the Perfect game

Here is an peace about the smart Match functioning of the Xbox One, tell me if you like it That ore do you think its fun to beat players who get crazy. Because ill do like it bud sometimes its very irritating when you just not in the mood and that's why this is an very nice feature, and not only Because Of That bud usefull there are KIDS playing! And you cant get this ad mad kids if you are loosing!Smart Matches on Xbox One is completely...