New cover fifa 14 UK realeased !!!

Hey lads here it is the new cover where all waited for whole weekend after the teaser of 15 seconds that EA released this weekend and really wasn't that clear bud fun to watch. so here it is the new cover with the man that haves the honour to stand to Football star Lionel Messi from FC Barcelona is ,  Tottenham Hotspur FC's great player Gareth Bale !!! so ill believe that's an great choice and is not really an big surprise cause he played well...

New games this week !!

The ingenuity splashes of the screen again. Many new game releases, original games, great sequels and titles condemn to cancel your holiday. Before We are talking about future music that totally applies here. It's a lean week with not the best games of the moment. Well, of course it is a little unfair to shoot them all before we have them checked. the games this week After all, Sid Meier usually represents quality and with the expansion of Civilization...

a new fact agian by Mark Cerny about the audio on ps4!

Mark Cerny, the lead architect of the PS4, has released some information on how the PS4 handles audio processing. He says that the PS4 a separate chip for processing audio, this ensures that there will be a number of tasks the GPU to be removed. Audio is just as graphic aspects of a game is not silent, Cerny therefore expect that sophisticated audio can be in the coming years. Possible done by the GPUThe chip is mainly present to handle the many...

Mark Cerny PS4 her disign outsmarts the heat !!

 Mark Cerny, one of the people who has played in the development of the PlayStation 4 a very important role now travels throughout the world to give his experience and various presentations of the PlayStation 4. That gives equal media the opportunity to ask Cerny a number of questions and Game Reactor Spain spoke to him after the PS4 presentation Gamelab in Barcelona.One of the questions was how Cerny and his team have agreed to set up the...

Microsoft wil change the hardware possible !!?

    Microsoft has to endure a lot of criticism after the company had first showed  the next generation console. Since then, the sharp edges polished and the DRM protection was removed so sharing of games made ​​a lot easier. The PlayStation 4 of competitor Sony has now besides the lower price also has a small advantage through faster GPU, but if it were up to Microsoft is that soon past. According to rumors, Microsoft is...

Microsoft has regrets, perhaps later on DRM wil come!?

The major manufacturer of the Xbox console's is sorry my friends. Not because of Used games / DRM, or the fact that they have bowed under the pressure of the interwebz anyway. No, they just find it incredible jerk that their communication has been during the presentation of the Xbox One features so badly. This confusion, which may be best known as a complete chaos caused the great nation could not stand longer behind the console of Microsoft...