Cool video Assassins Creed : Black Flag REAL!! Free run!!

There have appeared a lot freerun videos that have inspired by Assassin's Creed, but they are all based on previous parts. Meanwhile, one of the first Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag freeruns appeared,After the Comic con in San Diego !!    And these can be in seen in this Link. In this video you see Edward Kenway run like an crazy man in a race through San Diego to end on the Jackdaw where a party is going on. All this was recorded...

L2 AND R2 Are staying for sure !!

Yesterday, new screenshots released Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and then there was a remarkable thing to see. So we saw that the PlayStation screenshots were using the buttons, but the R2 and L2 buttons were displayed as RB and LB.   Megafire777 decided to ask how this could be on Twitter and his answer was short and to the point. Yoshida " The buttons are not renamed as LB and RB . R2 and L2 just remain as it is today". May be a fault...

Xbox One designed for running time of 10 years!!

After several interviews with insiders of Microsoft's Digital Foundry concluded that the Xbox One is designed so that the unit can stand running for 10 years. This, according to Digital Foundry also one of the reasons that the Xbox is so great. lifeReliability, according to the insiders a priority in the development of the Xbox One, they designed the console with a cycle of 10 years in mind. The One also had to be very quiet to make his stand ...