Pes 14 !

  Hands-on Impression! Reading an article in EDGE, diagrams, screenshots and teaser trailers, these are all great but nothing can compare to actually getting your hands on a new PES for the first time. It’s where you form your first opinion of the game and learn more about it, something that no pre-release asset or article can provide. This year, with a brand new engine behind the game, that statement had more weight behind it than...

Fifa 14


Xbox ONE

So now a peace about the new XBOX ONE !! I personally am looking forward to this moment of the release and the power behind the console. so lets take an look to the features of this system that going to make it a succes again !!  first of all the opportunities The Xbox One is a state-of-the-art games console, a TV with the latest generation, a film system and much more. You no longer have to change to play or watch....