Jack Tretton about the ps4 !!

E3 Sony was not something at the last minute was put together quickly but according to Jack Tretton, CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America, we went to work for months in advance. The CEO says that they are already working since 2008 and with the PS4-launch at the recent E3 was the final result of something that we have work so long and hard on.According to Jack Tretton the reaction of their fanbase and consumers in general proof of the fact...

Petition for family sharing on Xbox One !!

 Are you the totally disagree that Microsoft has abandoned some of the new idees after E3? You do not appear to be the only one . An Xbox One fan started a petition for the return of Family Sharing. The 'Spotify system' for the new console, which you could share games with digital,  has bin thrown of the table a few weeks before. This happened after Microsoft fell back on some other DRM plans.However, many gamers are not agree with this...

Battlefield and Kinect on tour !!

Battlefield 4 on Xbox One will support Kinect. This can be read in the latest issue of Game Informer. Karl Magnus Troudsson DICE let us know at the magazine. They are highly motivated with the new possibilities of Kinect to get started. Rather than consider Kinect as simple bonus, the company that Kinect will add real value to the game. Then the policymaker seems to speak by reporting that Kinect for precision and skill goes against themselves...

the price is set for fifa 14

EA is the first game developer who came out on the prices of their games on the new consoles, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. According GAME, all EA games cost £ 55, which is equivalent to 63 euros. Only the English amount is confirmed, however, the Dutch amount can possibly expect some changes.The price of the PlayStation 4, which is already known to all nations, is 400 euros, which the One for Xbox 100 euros more shops off. It is also expected...

Assassin's creed Black flag the new leading man !!

Altair, Ezio and Connor: the protagonists of the previous Assassin's Creed games only had that in common with heart and soul fought in the interest of the Brotherhood and the people. A path that is not meant for Edward, as free pirate acts of self-interest.'' The way Edward acquainted with Assassins and Templars is surprisingly a new approach to the story. Altair is born into, Ezio and Connor joined because they felt connected and supported their...

Latest GTA 5 screenshots !

The internet has just exploded because almost every gamer has captivated the very first gameplay trailer for Grand Theft Auto V. Have not you seen the gameplay footage? Click here for the video nearly five minutes long.Rockstar has apparently not only a gameplay video released, but seven screenshots. These screenshots of GTA V can be viewed below. Thanks for reading please sign up for my blog and join the community to be a king...

The Next gen game prices are set!!

The PlayStation 4 - Xbox One games from EA will be £ 54.99 or about € 64 fee. That the British game  retailer GAME announced first. EA is also the first publisher to stick on its Next-Gen-play a prize. Who within a few months wants to buy an EA game for its brand new next-gen console will be there for about € 64 to count down. The pricing of the publisher does not differ between the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One. The next generation console games from EA will therefore virtually the same cost as the current console games.It is the British GAMEFARMER...