Xbox One VS PS4 Sales records ..

Major Nelson told us earlier by Twitter that the Xbox One does particularly well in terms of preorders and that those already doing better than the Xbox 360 at that time knew how to perform, though he obviously did not know specific figures. Ubisoft is a bit more precise in a conversation with investors and indicates that the "orders for both the PS4 and Xbox One are at least twice as better than their predecessors." Of course it is not known...

"Microsoft has a passion for indies'

To have an false start was reinvented by Microsoft, lots of there original idées were deleted so the xbox matches better with the costumers wishes.As yet, there is one point on which Microsoft still not hade made ​​a change, and that is its relationship to indie studios. However, if we are to believe Lionhead's creative director Gary Carr will change soon, Microsoft will continue its relationship with independent developers soon discuss during...

Xbox one sells itself to small businesses !!

  It seems to crazy for words, but Microsoft is positioning its new Xbox One as a tool for small businesses. And here's why.Good news for entrepreneurs! Microsoft has released a new platform that meets your needs. No, it's not a cheaper version of Office or unlimited cloud storage via Azure, but a game console: the Xbox One should also funcion excellent in small businesses.The company seems to make a joke, as it indicates that the $ 500 cost-console...

Battlefield 4 Spoiler Alert !!

  In Battlefied 4 you are part of elite group of soldiers called Tombstone Squad. You start the campaign in Russia where you must collect important information. Of course you are caught by the Russians and should your squad along many Russian soldiers lead to the U.S. Navy ship USS Valkyrie. The information you have outdated bring you and your squad then include to Shanghai (where you have to fight through a protest your way) and Singapore....

Akihiro Hino thiks that playstation is more serious!!

According to Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino shows the price tag of the PlayStation 4 that Sony is serious about the next-gen cycle. It is not very surprising that this Hino says, because he is busy developing a title which appears exclusively for the PlayStation 4.Hino is that the price tag of the PS4 was the surprise of E3. "Everyone sees it and thinks it is cheap Stop specifications of a strong PC demand in a game console and a few hundred dollars for...

'PlayStation 4 and Xbox One must come with significant changes'

Tomonobu Itagaki, creator of Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden, does not seem to be impressed of the next-gen consoles. According to him, there are significant changes for the consoles to be made to stay relevant to the contemporary entertainment.After E3 this year Itagaki thought that the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One actually show little change from their predecessors. According to him, this is a major pitfall because it simply continuing in the same...

Fifa14 revealed on Mobile !!

The most popular sports franchise is back in your hands with all new ways to play on handheld. Building attack and scoring amazing goals has never been more intuitive with all-unique and creative touch controls. Touch the screen to select players, then drag them to future positions, tap to pass and defend, swipe to shoot. Now you can position your entire team at all times instead of just one or two players, enabled by the new controls of FIFA...