Forza 5 download is not necessary after all !!

Last week it became clear that the version of Forza 5 would be and a download is required before it can be played. Incomplete the game in the store This was confirmed by the developer. Now it turns out that this is not the case.According to Dan Greenawalt from Turn 10 Studios gamers will now have the downloadable content they download the game to a certain point or just to play. Without DLC laterThis is good news for buyers who want to play Forza...

Ubisoft's The Crew is ported to PS4 with only two to three people!!

The PlayStation 4 is a lot more accessible for developers to work with then the PlayStation 3 was. That is a fact that now long and widely reported in the media and rightly so. Much more interesting is the consoles getting closer, to hear how developers deal with the  'new' architecture and so that delivers continuous positive news.Ivory Tower is currently working with The Crew of Ubisoft and the PlayStation 4 for a  port of the PC version....

PS VITA will implement a price reduction!!!

 In Japan is the price of the PS Vita in February brought to the ground. There you can buy a new PS Vita for about 150 euros. Obviously not with 3G, but the regular Wifi version. And though  the PS Vita does not sell  as it should. So something must happen. And so it seems for the western countries to . In an annual report from Sony are they talking about  "hardware sales initiatives" when it comes to the Vita. And that means...

Fifa 14 loads of new info !!

Every year we see him appear again and every year he is doing well all over the world. Ha! You thought probably that i ment Santa Claus, but we do not mean him of course. We mean,  FIFA 14. One of the most interesting features of FIFA 14 is undoubtedly the Ultimate Team mode. This mode allows the player to build on their own team By purchasing cards you can expand your team, when you win more and more matches you gain coins, which you can use...

Battlefield 4 Content Leak !!

  DICE tries to push a Few limits again with Battlefield 4.  A new engine and some thoughtful changes compared to previous games in the series must ensure that Battlefield4 is going to be the best game ever. EA has nothing to know about special editions, but a Czech retailer managed to leak. A thingBattlefield 4 will probably get a Deluxe Edition and a Collector's Edition. Both editions are not confirmed yet, so we cant tell you much...