Hands-on Impression!
Reading an article in EDGE, diagrams, screenshots and teaser trailers,
these are all great but nothing can compare to actually getting your
hands on a new PES for the first time. It’s where you form your first
opinion of the game and learn more about it, something that no
pre-release asset or article can provide. This year, with a brand new
engine behind the game, that statement had more weight behind it than
you can ever imagine. Excitement? Yes, I had it in abundance.
Trepidation? Sure, there was plenty of that too. How would the Fox
Engine change a series that I had followed for so long? After playing it
for several hours at E3 2013, the answer was very much positive.The Difficulty Curve

Another area where MASS and TrueBall Tech come into play is with the first touch and control system. There is a real emphasis on first touch an control in PES 2014, something that is apparent even in your first match. The physics system works in tandem with the TrueBall Tech to simulate how well you end up controlling a ground or lofted pass. The results are sublime, with the level of success dependent on where the player is, how his body is positioned and which direction you push the analogue stick. Much like the dribbling mechanics, you have total control, but everything is bound within reality. Sometimes your player will take the perfect Bergkamp-esque touch, whereas others he’ll fail completely. It’s not completely black and white, there is a grey area too. So if you happen to take a less than perfect touch that doesn’t immediately mean you’ll lose the ball. Sometimes that will be enough, depending on the situation of course. Whatever the result, once you get you used to it, you’ll never feel cheated. Whatever you do has an impact on how successful you are. It’s a harsh lesson to learn, but oh so rewarding when you get it right. I said this to a few people after playing 2014, but I think the difficulty curve will be steeper for regular PES players, whereas total newcomers might adjust a little easier. That’s not because it’s “newbie friendly”, but more because a newcomer won’t be stuck with certain bad habits.

Freedom of Passing
Quite possibly one the best parts of PES 2014, the freedom of passing in the game is exceptional. That might sound a little weird at this early stage, but it doesn’t make it any less true. The Fox Engine and the introduction of TrueBall Tech has done wonders for this integral part of the game. Even at four bars, what most would call assisted, there is variety and freedom in the passing. At times, even on the one or two bars, the passing in PES 2013 felt very much on rails and assisted, frustrating many hardcore fans. Putting the pass level down to three or less resulted in even more freedom, but I rarely strayed too much from four or three as I felt they were good enough. I felt that I could weight and direct the passes in exactly the way I wanted. Obviously I wasn’t always successful, but the sheer fact that three and fours bars felt so good speaks volumes.
Audio and Visual Depth
Whilst the E3 2013 code lacked the polish of the screenshots and
trailers you’ve seen so far, it’s still a step up when compared to any
previous current-gen titles. “That’s not hard”, I hear you say. Yes,
you’re right. I’m not going to lie to you and say it look next-gen,
because it doesn’t. However, previous PES titles aside, it’s a MASSIVE
step up when it comes to the current-gen standards. It’s using the power
of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, finally pushing both of them on a
technical front. Animations are fluid, player models look great,
lighting is fantastic and stadiums look great. The latter is exemplified
by the breathtaking crowds. Now, they’re not fully 3D, but man do they
look good. Whether it’s the Bayern fans creating a mosaic before
kick-off or Santos followers lighting up flares during a match, they
really add to the sense of occasion.
Coming back to the animations, just the like best PES titles of the
past, you’ll notice new ones as you play and be amazed. It could be the
frighteningly real way Robben runs, or something simple like the way a
player moves his head when flicking a ball on. Even goalkeepers have new
animations, but more on them later. For now, let’s move to sound in PES
2014. It’s difficult to completely comment on the audio side of things
due to the environment we were playing in (noisy E3 showfloor), but we
did manage to bump up the volume on a few pods we played on and the
noise from the crowd in relation to what was happening on the pitch was
just amazing. The enthusiasm of the Bayern fans and the sheer passion of
the Santos faithful came across brilliantly. Whilst the Heart feature
was full featured in the E3 build, if this is an early indication of
what Konami plan to do with it then I for one can’t wait to see how it
turns out.
The Set Piece Conundrum

This possible exploit was fed back to the relevant people, but I still feel something would lost if the feature was taken away altogether. I enjoyed whipping in corners and free-kicks just as much as I welcomed the challenge of defending them. The tactical element fascinated me, but not everyone is going to be as fair and sportsmanlike when it comes to using this feature. It’s sad, but that’s the truth. A suggestion was made by me to limit where the dotted line could go for corners, but then that would take away an element of freedom which was the idea behind it initially. Like I said at the beginning of this section, it’s a double edged sword situation and I don’t envy Konami in how they go about dealing it. I just hope it’s not taken it out completely, but ultimately that might be long term solution. You can even turn the dotted line off right now with a simple press of R1 or RB.
Penalties have also been tweaked, with the kicker getting reticule on-screen that gets bigger as you move towards the corners of the goal. This makes it slight easier for the goalkeeper to save shots, but the kicker can move the reticule at the last second to fool the shot stopper. It’s a nice little mechanic, but I hope it’s smoothed out a little with a proper explanation of how it works delivered to players before they take or attempt to stop their first penalty. The little mysteries have been a staple of PES titles of the past, but for mechanics like this they really should be explained the first time you come across them.
The Fundamentals

Shooting has been slightly tweaked too, with the feel being less “floaty” than before and more natural. Long range shots in particular felt great, no matter if you scored or not. Staying with scoring, headers have been greatly improved, which means you can actually score them now if you’re in the right position instead of every single one floating over the bar. Crossing felt pretty much the same though, which isn’t necessarily a supremely bad thing, but it would’ve been nice if it had the same freedom as the rest of the passing model. This was fed back to Konami, so hopefully later builds of PES 2014 will have improved crossing.
Attacking wise, the AI was still as great as ever, with good movement around the ball carrier depending on which area of the pitch he is moving towards. The defensive side of things I’ll touch on in the next section, but the actual defending mechanic itself has improved thank to MASS and TrueBall Tech. You still double tap X or A to go into a tackle, but your player will now go towards the ball rather than the player. The feedback you get whether you’re successful or not via the resulting animations is lovely, more natural and realistic than any previous PES. In fact, that sentiment could apply to the entire physical side of the game, as it’s a real step up from PES 2013. It’s slight shame then that referees are a bit inconsistent without any prior warning, with some giving fouls when there actually wasn’t one committed. That’s not necessarily a bad thing as referees are inconsistent at the best of times in real life, but it would be great if there was an indication before the match as to what type of official (lenient, fair, strong and so on) you’re up against. This would allow you to adjust your style and escape the frustrations of certain referees.
Areas of Improvement
I mentioned a few slight improvements that could be made in other sections, with this particular one kept for the defensive AI and player awareness. It’s not something I noticed until the second day of playing PES 2014, but since then it was very much apparent. It had a slight negative impact on some matches, whereas in others it was completely affecting the result of matches, especially when playing against other human players. I noticed several occasions where one player would have the ball in a defensive and one or two players near him would just stand there doing nothing, even when the ball carrier came near them. There was no forward or sideways movement that would’ve made it easier for you to get out. In real life football this is what happens, if one player has the ball in the defensive area then others will move around accordingly, giving him options to move out and get the ball forward. This rarely happened in the E3 build of PES 2014.To add to this frustration, these non-moving players would get in the way on several occasions, resulting in the ball being gifted to the opposition for a goal. There were several occasions where I benefited from this and the goal I scored as a result felt cheap. I was on the other end of it too, which was really frustrating. This also happened occasionally when defending corners, with cheap goals being scored on the back of the lack of defensive awareness. It’s a frustrating negative as the rest of the game is so good, really enjoyable. As you’d expect this was fed back to Konami and I was assured that in future builds this would be addressed. I would imagine it’s a case of the development team heightening the responsiveness of the defensive AI and other players on the pitch that are not being controlled. A new build should be available to play just before Gamescom, so I’m hoping to report with back positive things in relation to this after getting hands on with that.
Final Thoughts
I’ve played several builds of PES at this early stage and never come away feeling so positive about the game. It’s clear to see the Fox Engine and several new features have put a spring into PES 2014′s step that was missing from previous current-gen iterations. The game feels fresh, more fluid and realistic than before, yet it still retains that PES magic. It may not be next-gen, but if Konami stay on track and improve the game in key areas before it launches (modes and features), PES 2014 could well be a true return to form for the series. Can I have the next build now please, Konami?
(Posted 21/06/2013)
Here is news about the new Trueball tech M.A.S.S Features!!!
Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. today revealed a new trailer for the highly anticipated title, Pro Evolution Soccer 2014. The upcoming addition to the popular franchise will mark a new beginning for the series, with an all-new engine allowing for the most comprehensive advance for the Pro Evolution Soccer series since its inception.
The trailer highlights Pro Evolution Soccer 2014's Trueball Tech and M.A.S.S features:
Trueball Tech: Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 centers everything on the ball including how it moves and how players use it. First touch and sublime control are what set certain players apart from others. The ability to not only read a pass, but to be one step ahead and to know what is needed to gain yards on an encroaching defender. Trueball Tech allows the player to trap or knock on a pass using the analogue stick with detailed bar-centric physics determining the weight shift of the player and the height and speed of the pass, as to how the player's body will automatically shape to receive it. The Pro Evolution Soccer series has long since treated the ball as an individual entity, allowing the player huge amounts of freedom to pass into space, run on to a knocked-on counter, or produces short triangular passes to make space. Trueball Tech adds even more freedom, with full 360-degree control within several yards around the player and the ability to shield the ball from opposing players, use deft controls to wrong-foot them, and intuitive methods to master close control.
Motion Animation Stability System (M.A.S.S.): The physical combat between players is a vital part of a match, and the new M.A.S.S. component simulates the bodily contact between multiple players within tailored animations that segue seamlessly into each other. Rather than a series of preset animations that occur under specific circumstances, M.A.S.S. reacts instantly to any situation, with the reaction of a fouled player entirely dependent on the direction and force with which they are tackled. Dependent on factors such as their size and power, players will stumble but instantly recover if clipped, barge others off the ball, and use their stature to block players from possession. The integration of the M.A.S.S. element has also facilitated new advances in one-on-one situations. The individual battles between key players can determine the outcome of a match, so particular emphasis has been made on such battles in Pro Evolution Soccer 2014.
To view the trailer please visit: Www.YouTube.com/watch?v=foGfXQ73jHw
(posted 21/06/2013)
Hey guys here also for the PES lovers witch i loved myself to because of the shooting, bud once a fifa man always a fifa man what wil not say we aint going to play pes coes a king is a king and there is no saying no to a nice game of football so lets go !!
The Fox Engine
The Fox Engine is a cross-platform game engine built by Kojima Productions for use in future titles developed by the team. It is believed that this engine is designed for the next generation of video games. The engine was revealed by Konami on June 3, 2011. The engine's development began after the completion of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots with the goal of making the "best engine in the world."
The engine will make it possible for Kojima Productions to develop multiplatform games with a significantly shortened development time and has been described as the first step for the developer to move away from development for a single platform. The engine is named after FOXHOUND, a fictional military unit from the Metal Gear series, wherein is also a reflection of Kojima Productions itself, which based its company logo on FOX's fox emblem.
Working for more than four years on the new installment of the PES series, the PES Production team has revealed the whole new system behind Pro Evolution Soccer 2014. Based on Kojima Productions’ Fox Engine, the game will feature new amazing graphics to recreate the excitement and variety of a top-level football match.

PES 2014 Konami dev has a long list of new features released. Practically the only thing we knew was that the game on the new FOX engine will run, but we put all the new tricks below for you!
True Ball Tech
True Ball Tech according to Konami one of the biggest new features in PES 2014. Lets you control the movement of the ball, how the ball reacts to the first contact with a player, but most importantly two-legged ball control!
"The player has total control in how Determining Their body is angled to receive a pass, Whereas previous football titles present the user with scan options. Instead, True Ball Tech Means That it can be chested or nodded fits an opponent, flicked into space or to a teammate, while closer dribbling control is a much more personal attribute in the new game. "
Abbreviated MASS, is similar to FIFA's Player Impact Engine. Duel Rende players have more contact with each other and the impact depends on weight, construction and speed of the players. This should ensure a brighter duels, because you can exert more pressure and you get more options to tackle. By M.A.S.S. dribbling is also expanded and have more options in attack.
"Dependent on factors zoals Their size and power, players will stumble but instantly recover if clipped, others barge off the ball, and use Their stature to block players from possession. Similarly, PES 2014 now has more styles or tackle, as Opposed to basics in foot or sliding types. "
The Heart mechanism ensures that your team is even more dependent on morality than if the previous versions. Your team is influenced by a packed stadium, whether you're playing at home or out. Moral of individual players remain in the game, so for example you play. By a brilliant goal better
PES ID is also extended. PES 2014 has the personal playing styles of 100 known players. So you not only footballers to their name and appearance can recognize, but also to the way of walking, dribbling or shooting on the field.
team Play
With Team Play on the same team can control up to three football players. So you can work out together intricate tactics and weaknesses of the opponent fully exploit, if you want to take the trouble. Before
"These players will make very different off-the-ball runs to exploit holes in the defense or midfield, using the flanks, curved runs, or overlap play to make themelves available. These moves can be preset to key areas of the field,-allowing users to exploit defensive weaknesses before hand. "
The Core
Konami is known for that they work closely with the community. It's called The Core, which they try to make of uniforms and facial animations to smooth movements. The game as realistic as possible They also have the free kick and penalties radically taken on the shovel (haha).
PES 2014 will also include the Asia Champions League, complete with official teams.
Finally, of course, try the Fox Engine even just to put as the new Messiah. Down the guys from Konami Creative Producer of PES series Kei Masud:
“Thinking outside the box on an annual series such as PES is not easy, but the Fox Engine has allowed us to develop such a level of freedom that we are constantly realising ways of making PES 2014 a true representation of football.”
PES 2014 will be released for the current generation consoles and PC sometime in 2013. Moreover, they know that the game is easy to scale up to the next-gen consoles.
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