The controllers next to each other
Here is an picture of the controller from both consoles there controllers next to each other , so u can compare them by size ant looks.
what is see an very very innovative fact ! the controler of the Ps 4 is bigger then the Xbox One there's .
There is the point where i say hey thats nice because on the last consoles it was xbox that got the biggest one .
and for soome of us guys its very difficult to mannage that small ps3 controler because of the angele of oure thubs , i hope its fixed now on the ps4 !!
There aint going to be an headset with the Xbox One !!

Xbox One does not include a pack-in headset accessory. Each One includes the new Xbox Kinect sensor with a highly sensitive multi-array microphones designed to enable inputs and voice chat as a system-level capability, both in-game and with Skype and other experiences. For gamers who prefer a headset, we have a variety of offerings That you can find on the Xbox Wire.
Xbox One Chat Headset:. Incidentally Microsoft a special headset for its new console will be out The price of this device is still unknown. Of course you can always opt for a headset of a third party such as Turtle Beach or Sennheiser.
Sony has a real indie game channel launched on the PlayStation Vita.
The speculations are round .
like in a few post before i had already announced about this the decision taken now final, vita comes with Indians channel. In this way, consumers can easily buy small creative games from independent developers. In total, there are already some of this kind of 53 tracks in the channel.
so the small developers get an chance
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