After months, perhaps years of rumors about a new Mirror's Edge we got on the last E3 finally our redeeming answer. Mirror's Edge 2 is coming to the next-gen consoles and during the EA press conference we were the first to see the images. But why the hell do we have to wait for a sign of life so long?
According to Patrick Söderlund, the executive vice president of the EA Games label, it has to do with the change to Mirror's Edge. Part two is still a first person action adventure, but is different than the first part. The next-gen hardware was a need for the title. He says:
"It will be a different Mirror's Edge than you have seen before. It's taken this long Because we
wanted to get to the right concept and the right idea. Sara Jansson who is a producer on it, when she pitched her idea to me I was frankly blown away. She pitched an idea That frankly could only be built on 4 gene, is a stunning concept, and when she came to us we knew we had it. It will be a very innovative game That people, I think, will be surprised by what we show. I'm genuinely excited by it. "
All we know so far is that Mirror's Edge 2 is going to get an open world . Here this is what we know ! Hopefully at gamescom some more info and footage!

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