Tech website Ars Technica, the prices of the next-gen consoles once scrutinized to see if they really are so expensive. Compared with the old consoles and inflation is taken into account the fact that bad.
When looking at prices to be inflation almost always included in the calculation and Ars Technica has taken pains to do that. The company has looked at what would be best for older consoles like that would come out. Moment lost now This shows among other things that the Xbox One really only is $ 23 more expensive than the Xbox 360.
The PlayStation 4 is a whole lot cheaper than its predecessor. When the PlayStation 3 was released because that would have cost. 696 dollars The most expensive consoles ever the 3DO and Neo Geo, who would now have cost 1,127 and $ 1,111 respectively. On the website Ars Technica you also want to look at the cuts of consoles over a period of nine years.
Below you can see the prices of consoles in 2013. Click image for larger version:

And so where waiting to buy ore cheap consoles , and when this is going to happen ??The Xbox One released late this year, in November. About the release date of the PlayStation 4 remains still to speculate. Either this would come in 2014 around the holidays or early. If we are to believe the official Sony website, it is still December
On the website you can get a Sony PlayStation 4 order as of today. For the normal price of € 399.99, including free shipping. Among the reservation button is 'available from the end of December' declared as vague release date.
Are you all sure about what you want? hmm listen to a Pro
And so the battle between the Xbox and PlayStation 4 One by, but Patrice Desilets, a former employee at Ubisoft, corpse already have the answer. The hardcore gamers still buy because both consoles.

"I know some people still buy CDs, but no nags on Apple iTunes because it has made. Microsoft also tried something new to do and why I think all the criticism around it a bit hypocritical."
Despite all the criticism of Microsoft and policy changes Desilets think it matters little. Buy the hardcore gamers, according to him anyway both consoles. Since you will cost 900 euros and then the games are not included, you have some question put here.
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