This year there would be three times as much Xbox One consoles shipped over the PlayStation 4's. This enables analyst Colin Sebastian on the basis of a market forecast. Furthermore, Microsoft's Xbox One have recovered from the previous DRM debacle.
The change of course Microsoft had made in connection with the Xbox One is already bearing is positive effects. More and more consumers seem to have left behind the polemics around the DRM and Digital Sharing System on the Xbox One. Microsoft has therefore abandoned these unpopular decisions Although this choice has its opponents, with a real petition.
According to Colin Sebastian, analyst at Baird, the Xbox One has fully recovered and the popularity of the Next-Gen Console is changed sharply. Sebastian:
Despite losing battle at E3 Xbox One seems to completely regroup on the console market. One of the reasons is undoubtedly the recent policy change by Microsoft. If we look at the supply chain, we see that four three Xbox ones will be at the launch. Available for each PlayStation

As critical readers may have noticed also , the analyst talks about the supply side of the story. How the consoles themselves in terms of sales figures will relate, we can not know. However, Microsoft will probably can convince many 'neutral' gamers who are looking for a Next-Gen console thanks to the numerical superiority in stores one of three Xbox consoles for each PlayStation 4 console.
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