Some fans of the Assassin's Creed series are a bit sceptical about Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag because of the setting. Is the game made for the world of pirates and tropical islands?
Perhaps the new video on fifafreakz convince the skeptics? We see what is possible with the next-gen version and especially how to carry out attacks. It looks in my opinion, very cool and beautiful.
The game director of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Ashraf Ismail, likes to show exactly how stealth works in this new Assassin's Creed chapter. And how can he do this better than in a walkthrough? Right, just through a comprehensive walkthrough we get to see many nice gameplay!

In the second part of the trailer you get explained how Havana looks like, how it is designed and how extra contracts get you some money in the drawer to spend. It also explains how to stay invisible in the jungles and in sieges and you get to see a new feature about how to work away an enemy neat and unnoticed.
Here is a link to the new stealth walktrough
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