Battlefield was and is familiar with the fact that use can be made of all kinds of vehicles, and you can destroy almost every thing. DICE already revealed that Battlefield 4 is going back to the destruction capabilities as they were in Bad Company, but around the vehicles was not much known yet.
Today we learn a little bit about the vehicles in Battlefield 4. In the game there will be all-new Chinese
vehicles' , but they are not limited to the following: Type 99 MBT, ZFB-05 Armored Car, Z-9 Haitun Transport Heli, Z-10W and DV15 Interceptor Attack Heli Attack Boat.
Amphibious warfare in Battlefield 4 plays a major role with the added boats, such as the RCB-90, jet skis and the ability for players to dive or swim faster.
In addition, one-handed weapons and gadgets can be used in the water, if the need is there.
Battlefield 4 will appear on October 29 for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. When the PS4 and Xbox One appear, the game Battlefield 4 will be able for these consoles right away.

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