Major Nelson told us earlier by Twitter that the Xbox One does particularly well in terms of preorders and that those already doing better than the Xbox 360 at that time knew how to perform, though he obviously did not know specific figures. Ubisoft is a bit more precise in a conversation with investors and indicates that the "orders for both the PS4 and Xbox One are at least twice as better than their predecessors."
Major Nelson on the presale of the new game console. But Sony and Microsoft, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One the competitors have not told who is going better. From all reports, it appears that the advance of the consoles runs better than the previous generation of consoles. Cool Blue, one of the largest retailers in the Netherlands, told us that the PlayStation 4 sells better than the Xbox One.Of course it is not known whether one then just few preorders allowed and it does not seem right to take into account the greater simplicity to before November, now on the internet a situation at the time of the PS3 and Xbox 360 still something more in the infancy. Have you ordered your copy?

Larry Hryb, with the known @majornelson Twitter account of Microsoft, said that the presale of the Xbox One compared to the pre-sale of the Xbox 360 at the time of launch exceeds it in the United States. Most U.S. sellers would have already been sold. Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot also showed during the presentation of the financial figures that the pre-orders of the new game consoles are double of the previous generation, this counts for both the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox.
Big question is how it is made in the Netherlands and Belgium with the pre-orders of the consoles , and witch one will eventually most often go over the counter. We asked Cool Blue, one of the largest retailers in the Netherlands, for a response and they gave after some urging that the PS4 is currently outselling the Xbox One.

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